IARU Region 2 Monitoring System

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Who can participate?
All amateurs, regardless of class.
The most important thing is to want to participate.

How do I join the IARU Monitoring System?
Simply send an email to the National Monitoring Coordinator of your country.

How can I collaborate?
Maybe you speak some foreign language that allows you to understand and identify an intruder, you are a good CW operator, you manage software to decode digital signals or can listen at "impossible" times...

What do I do if I hear an "intruder"?
Listen carefully
Do not jam it!
Write down the most important facts
If you can, record a sound file
Complete the report and send it to the Coordinator

Why report an "intruder"?
Because most of them will not leave our bands on their own initiative. We have to act to make that happen. If no one complains, they will not move.

How do you fill a "Monitoring Report"?
It's very simple. There is a standard form, which is completed with frequency, date, time, mode, identification and country data of the intruder station when it is possible to determine it, and any comments of interest about the detected signal. The National Coordinator will inform you how often you should send your reports.

What should NOT be reported to the National Coordinator?
Interference produced by a plasma TV, low-energy lamps, switching sources, the electric fence of the neighboring field or reports on amateur radio operators who do not respect the band plan or make use of an incorrect language.

Is there any documentation about the Monitoring System available on the Internet?
Yes. The IARU Monitoring System has a long history and has produced a lot of good documentation on this subject. The Documents section of this website contains the most important information produced up to date by colleagues in the three regions. We invite you to read it.

You can help to defend our bands.
Contact your National Amateur Radio Society.
